Fixation socks

yarn: Cascade Fixation, color 9946
sock 1: started: April 13, 2006
completed: April 16, 2006
sock 2: started: April 16, 2006
completed: April 17, 2006

Lilly socks

Regia Mini Ringel 5217 (Rio)
Toe-up with Dutch heel
sock 1:
started: February 4, 2006
finished: February 15, 2006
reknit foot from heel down: April 6-9, 2006
sock 2:
started: February 15, 2006
finished: April 6, 2006
reknit foot from heel down April 10-13, 2006

Charity scarf

pattern: cast on 136 stitches and I’ll knit for about four inches
yarn: Varigated Knitting Acrylic yarn from Target
needles: size 13 bamboo
started: February 8, 2006
finished: February 16, 2006